Homemade Bagels

1 c all purpose flour – can substitute whole grain or gluten free flour (440 cal)
1 c Dannon fat free plain greek yogurt (120 cal)
1 egg white – can substitute whole egg (17 cal)
1.5 tsp baking powder (0 cal)
0.75 tsp Kosher salt (0 cal)
*Preheat oven to 350°) Mix dry ingredients in mixing bowl and add yogurt and egg whites. Mixture might be slightly crumbly. Spread flour onto flat surface (counter or cookie sheet) to prepare kneading bagel dough. Knead 20-30 times with palm of hand until thoroughly mixed, and then divide into 4 portions. Roll into long rope-like pieces and connect edges to form bagel ring. Place on cookie sheet and top with egg wash (one beaten egg with a little bit of water). Place on top rack of oven for 25 minutes. Enjoy!
Yields 4 bagels, 144 cal/serving
Macros: 25.1 g/ 8.4 g/ 0.5 g

*Optional add in: 2 Tbsp mini chocolate chips (adds ~35 cal/bagel)


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